There is a stigma attached to the word "junk". Immediately broken, dirty, garbage comes to mind for most people. So when I tell someone I'm looking for good junk, it takes awhile to process my true meaning. What, exactly, is good junk? Well, as they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure, so I hit the flea market this past weekend to see how much good junk I could find:
This weekend's treasure hunt took place at Nostalgic Journey, Highway 7 East, Peterborough.

This little milk glass vase could hold a small floral bouquet, but next week I'll show you how I choose to use this vase in a very practical setting.

This vintage tray with bakelite handle could be used to hold a variety of pickles or cheeses at your next party, but stay tuned to see how I use it in a more unique way.

This shelf held several treasures, but can you guess which item I chose?

The little white hobnail compote in the bottom corner caught my eye. I knew it would be just the thing to hold my marbles. You heard right - I recently rediscovered my vintage marbles, and I knew that the colours would pop in the white dish. See how fabulous they look:

Here's an added tip: See those basic white candles? They are sold in a package of 2 for $1 at Dollarama, and they're great!! No drips, no black smoke and no scent - perfect for the dinner table.
I have the week off from work, so I'm hoping to get a lot of projects done around the house. In addition to the list I'm already working on, I've added a few more small jobs into the mix:

I purchased this moroccan style lantern at L'Atelier two years ago, but it is severely rusted after being left outside in the rain last summer. In an effort to be green and thrifty, rather than buying new, I'm going to give this lantern a fresh coat of rust-proof paint in a pretty shade of blue.

I swiped this original oil painted by my Grandma Bull out of my mom's closet this past weekend, and I'm going to have it framed for hanging - I have just the right spot for it. You can never go wrong with original artwork, and this piece certainly has sentimental value. Thanks, Mom!!
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