Many people are concerned that if they put up wallpaper, it will be difficult to take it down when they want a change. But wallpaper has evolved, and now it's easier to take down than it is to put up. Several companies offer "paste the wall" products instead of pasting the paper - this method involves using a paint roller to apply paste to the wall and then sliding the paper into position. If wallpaper is applied using this method, it can later be removed by with a simple "lift & peel".
You can transform the look of any room by papering just one accent wall - be prepared to commit 3 or 4 hours to the project from start to finish. Check out all of these amazing wallpaper options:
From Ferm Living:
Ribbed, Turquoise & Gold
These suitcases are a wall decal - even EASIER!!
From Graham & Brown:
Drama, Boheme (Chocolate)
Umbra, Fracto (Shoot)
Mode, Darcy (Pearl)
Flock Effect, Elizabeth (Turquoise)
Barbara Hulanicki, Hula (Charcoal/Gold)
From Osborne & Little:
Folia, Clarendon
I actually love wallpaper ...and really haven't seen it around since the early 80's ...I cannot wait to buy a house ..there will definitely be some wallpaper going up ...even just a wall or two to create a focal point...LOVE!