Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Scary Stuff

Now that hurricane Sandy has blown through the eastern States and Southern Ontario, those of us who still have hydro can be thankful to have come through the storm unscathed. Many residents in the eastern States were not so lucky, and our thoughts and prayers are with them today as they struggle with power outages, flooding and scattered debris.

In less scary news, with Hallowe'en just around the corner, I want to share this easy yet eerie pumpkin carving project: The Mouse Motel. Thanks to blogger Jen Selk for reminding me about this fun idea which was originally conceived by the creative minds at Martha Stewart.

My Mom and I carved our pumpkins on Saturday afternoon, and with a bit of trial and error we each completed our own mouse motel. Afraid to use a knife but without a pumpkin carving kit, we improvised by starting the holes with a corkscrew and then rounding them out with a sturdy spoon. I think they turned out great!

Project Costs:

2 Small Pumpkins x $1.50 = $3.00
2 Pkgs Mice (Dollarama) x $1.00 = $2.00
Pumpkin Carving Fun = Priceless!

Photos by Pamela Graham for Cherish Toronto.


  1. That's such a cute idea for a pumpkin! Too late for this year, but I'm going to have to remember to try this next year :-) Happy Hallowe'en!

  2. fun Pam! Glad to hear you had a great time with your mom on the weekend. Welcome back too! can't wait to read all about your trip to Paris!


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